How Massage Can Help You Feel Stress Free Over The Festive Period
Posted on 21st December 2022 at 19:09
It’s the most wonderful time of year...
Christmas is nearly here, the lights are on, and festive tunes can be heard everywhere.
The world seems to speed up and it’s easy to get caught up in it. With so much to cram into the last week, December can often feel like the final hurdle that has to be navigated before we collapse in a heap.
It can be a very stressful time of year, so try to look after yourself. Whatever it is that leaves you feeling restful and relaxed needs to be included in your schedule over the next few weeks. Make some time for some exercise, relaxation, mindfulness, and quality sleep and keep yourself grounded to make the most of the festive period.
How can massage help?
Massage will benefit both your body and mind. A full body massage focuses on completely relaxing you using slow, smooth flowing strokes that releases tension in your body.
During your massage the tension in your muscles, especially in areas like your neck, shoulders and back, is released. This natural relaxation helps to:
improve blood circulation
lower your blood pressure
relieve overall muscle fatigue, soreness and stiffness
relieve tension headaches
boost your immune system
improve your skin condition and muscle tone
feel more energised
remove toxins from the body
The benefits of relaxing your muscles won’t just stop with the effects to your body, you will also find having a regular full-body massage has major psychological benefits including:
reducing the effects of stress
improving your sleep patterns
promoting positive body awareness
restoring a sense of balance and well-being
reducing the effects of anxiety and depression
improving concentration
At the end of the day, Christmas is all about having fun and taking time out of our busy working lives and studies to spend some proper time with loved ones. So why not allow yourself to relax at Christmas?
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