What is Personal Development Caoching ?
In its simplest form, a personal development coach works with their client's to help them identify, pursue, and achieve their goal's through various methods, including goal-setting, active listening, behavioral change, and more.
Personal development coaching is designed to help clients improve key elements of personal growth, like improved self-awareness, confidence, upskilling, communication, and positive thinking. Here at Fire and Earth we think Personal Developement Coaching, whether it be for personal or profession reasons, is an invaluable tool to help you eachieve your goals and/or help deal with certain struggles.
Our In house professional, Vicki has years of experience helping people through very important peroids of their life, what ever the challenge.
When is Personal Development Coaching used?
Here at Fire and Earth Leamington, we feel there is no limitating reasons why you should start your personal development journey. However, there are certain times in our lives when we need to change how we think, feel and act:
Changes to our circumstances can often have a dramatic effect on how we perceive ourselves, our value and our ability to adapt to a new situation:
Life-changing events include:
Serious illness
The Menopause
Children leaving home
Getting or being divorced
The Pandemic
Changes, feels and emotions we can experience:
Lack of purpose
A change of routine
Our support networks
Feeling of being lost
Anxiety & worry
Low motivation
Low confidence & self-esteem
Feeling overwhelmed
Following any major changes to your life, reinvention coaching can help you identify where you are now and what you need to do to enable you to flourish and thrive in a new situation.
If you identify with any of the above, please get in touch to find out more – hello@ebbandflow.org.uk
Book a Personal Development Coaching Session Today

Vicki Fenell - Personal Development Caoch
You can book you Coaching session with our in house Coach Vicki below
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