About Me
I am a fully qualified nutritionist with a passion for wanting to help you to enjoy food and enjoy life.
I worked in corporate life for over 20 years within the financial services sector. I travelled a lot, ate terribly and all at the wrong times and always felt that I had no control or understanding about food and how it impacted on my health. Because I exercised regularly I thought I had the right balance!
When my daughter was born, I knew it was time to change for myself and her. I visited a nutritionist and quickly realised that it is so true that what we eat defines what we are. Exercise will help but it is all about what we eat that makes the real difference. I quickly decided that this was the vocation that I wanted and signed up for a three-year course to become a qualified nutritionist.
I do not believe that you should give up everything that you enjoy but to focus and understand what your body needs, will help you have a more balanced life.
We are all different and what foods work for some may be not work for others. By utilising the knowledge, I have learned, and the tools available I want to work with people one-to-one to help them understand themselves, what foods provide positivity to their body and what foods work against their body.
I’ve been on many faddy diets in my life, haven’t we all? Faddy diets or restricting foods will never work long term. My naturopathic approach is all about looking at the individual and addressing the root causes of the issue and then looking at changes to diet and lifestyle.
Qualifications & Accreditations
Registered nutritionist, at the College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Member of:
41-43 Regent Grove | Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, CV32 4AP | 01926 830798
Fridays 9.30am -5pm.
To book a free Call or see more about pricing, click the link below.